Product Design Scotland is pleased to launch a new Compliance by Design Special Interest Group.


The product development journey – from ideation to manufacture and sales – is long and complex. The process is often iterative with a focus on product performance, driven by a desire to create the best product possible within the limitations of technology, engineering and budget. Compliance – the necessity to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations within a particular market area – is often an afterthought, considered only in the later stages of development. This can often result in compliance issues being identified only very late in the design process, leading to time consuming and expensive changes to a product or service mature in its development.

Compliance by design is a process that incorporates regulatory compliance frameworks and product safety/security requirements at all stages of product development – from product concept to launch and throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Introducing our Compliance by Design Special Interest Group

Product Design Scotland is launching its Compliance by Design Special Interest Group to provide a forum for discussion and knowledge exchange in all aspects of compliance relating to the design/development process. The group aims to support technology developers by highlighting best practice, learning from the experience of others, and connecting to a network of organisations negotiating similar challenges.

Meeting 1: Do we really need to do all this?

When:                  Thursday 23rd February, 1000-1200

Where:                Technology and Innovation Centre, 99 George Street Glasgow

Meeting 1 will cover some of the fundamental aspects of compliance by design, those considerations that remain consistent across multiple application areas and sectors. In doing so we will attempt to answer the common response to regulatory compliance “Do we really need to do this?”. Topic areas covered by our expert speakers will include:

  • Identifying the regulatory route to market
  • Understanding the standards
  • When is a quality management system needed?
  • Timelines
  • Case studies – good and bad practice


  • Rachael Turkington, Regulatory Principal, i4 Product Design
  • Stuart Kelly, Technical Director, Systolic